Inquiry / Booking order

Booking inquiry

Send an inquiry without obligation for the property „B1140 - Guerledan-see “.

To know the availability of a property without obligation, please send us the booking inquiry.
Booking order

Send a firm online booking order for the property „B1140 - Guerledan-see “.

With your booking order you can make a binding application for a M.A. BRETAGNE holiday home.
Booking order (by post) PDF

You prefer to communicate by post?
Simply print out the booking form and send it completed to the best of your ability and signed to the address noted, or by fax to the number given.

© 1996 - 2025 M.A. BRETAGNE GbR • Agency for holiday homes near the sea and in the countryside

Holiday homes in Brittany, holiday rentals, holidays and vacation in France, summer cottages, private properties